We realise that we are slightly different to the traditional idea of primary education in Ireland. Also, that we are different from the primary schools our student's parents might have attended when they were a child.
But we have more in common with other schools than different. We have answered any frequently asked questions below.
Question 1:
What curriculum do Educate Together Schools teach?
Educate Together Schools teach the primary school curriculum just like any other primary school in Ireland. The only difference is that we teach the Learn Together Curriculum as our patron’s programme. This would usually be religious education in other schools.
Question 2:
What is the Learn Together Curriculum?
The Learn Together Curriculum has four strands.
Values and Ethical Perspectives - For example, junior and senior infants learned about their new school community and how to treat their classmates.
Equality and Justice – For example our fourth class learned about our political system and even had a TD visit their classroom to speak to them.
Belief Systems – For example our fifth and sixth class learned about Rosh Hashanah. Our first and second class learned about Christmas.
An Ethical Approach to the Environment – For example our second and third class learned about recycling and visited Holmestown Recycling Plant in Wexford.
Question 3:
My family is Catholic and I want my child to make their sacraments of first confession, communion and confirmation. Is this possible if I send my child to an Educate Together school?
The children can make their sacraments outside school with the parish of New Ross. They are given the opportunity to share their experience with their class.
Question 4:
Do Educate Together School’s celebrate Christmas?
Educate Together School’s learn about different religious celebrations and festivals throughout the school year. They learn about Christmas as a Christian celebration. New Ross ETNS has a annual winter assembly which the children’s families are invited to.
Question 5:
Will my child be in a multigrade classroom (1st and 2nd for example)?
They could be. But teachers are trained in multi-grade teaching. Children become more independent in multi-grade classrooms and form friendships with children in different classes. Multi-grade classrooms are part of small schools. Generally when there is multi-grade classrooms it means everyone in the school knows each others names.